Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Notre Shame

First, the university hosts the V. Monologues, which are hardly compatible with Catholic womanhood.

Next, the university bestows a honorary law degree on a pro-abortion president in direct defiance of their local ordinary.

Then, the university has pro-life protesters arrested, including elderly Fr. Norman Weslin, and refuses to drop the charges --although Fr. Jenkins, university president, will attend the "March for Life."

And now, the Notre Dame Student Activities office gives five students funds to attend the recent gay rights protest in Washington, D.C., a protest sponsored by a pro-gay marriage organization.

Our Lady must be appalled.

There must be something that the U.S. bishops or the Vatican can do about this. Notre Dame has clearly dropped their Catholic identity. They should no longer be allowed to identify as Catholic - I don't care how many times they celebrate Mass on campus or how beautiful their chapels are. At this point in our history, being Catholic means standing up for the truth, even - especially - when it is unpopular, not politically correct or inconvenient.

Off the soapbox now.

Pray it with me:

Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell and lead all souls to heaven, especially those poor misguided folks at Notre Dame.


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