Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Charisms...and unemployment

So it occurred to me today, as I contemplate job hunting, that inherent in unemployment are the charisms, the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Not all 24 of the most common charisms, of course. But enough to make you stop and go hmm.

Like poverty, for instance. I am getting more broke by the day. :)

Writing: hence this blog, and of course, cover letters.

Service: I'm interning for a Catholic organization.

Knowledge: I have tons of time to read, browse the internet, etc.

Celibacy: I can't afford to get married unless I have a job.

Faith: You've got to trust in the Lord, even - especially - when the going gets tough.

And finally, intercessory prayer: thanks to the knowledge charism, I now know that Sts. Cajetan and Joseph (pray for us!) are the patron saints of job-seekers.

Thanks be to God, from whom all blessings flow.

Now back to the cover letters...

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