Monday, November 2, 2009

Planned Parenthood executive director converts

Great news out of Bryan, Texas.
Planned Parenthood Director Leaves, Has Change of Heart

by Ashley Sigman,

Planned Parenthood has been a part of Abby Johnson's life for the past eight years; that is until last month, when Abby resigned. Johnson said she realized she wanted to leave, after watching an ultrasound of an abortion procedure. [Wow. No wonder Planned Parenthood hates ultrasound requirements.]

"I just thought I can't do this anymore, and it was just like a flash that hit me and I thought that's it," said Jonhson.

She handed in her resignation October 6. Johnson worked as the Bryan Planned Parenthood Director for two years.

According to Johnson, the non-profit was struggling under the weight of a tough economy, and changing it's business model from one that pushed prevention, to one that focused on abortion.[How about that? Planned Parenthood wants women to have abortion. Amazing.]

"It seemed like maybe that's not what a lot of people were believing any more because that's not where the money was. The money wasn't in family planning, the money wasn't in prevention, the money was in abortion and so I had a problem with that," said Johnson. [Yep. It's all about the money.]

Johnson said she was told to bring in more women who wanted abortions, something the Episcopalian church goer recently became convicted about.

"I feel so pure in heart (since leaving). I don't have this guilt, I don't have this burden on me anymore that's how I know this conversion was a spiritual conversion."

Johnson is now part of Coalition for Life, a pro-life group located near the Planned Barrenhood facility.

Planned Barrenhood is really unhappy about this:

On Friday both Johnson and the Coalition For Life were issued temporary restraining orders filed by Planned Parenthood.

Rochelle Tafolla, a Planned Parenthood spokesperson issued the following statement: "We regret being forced to turn to the courts to protect the safety and confidentiality of our clients and staff, however, in this instance it is absolutely necessary."

The temporary restraining order contends that Planned Parenthood would be irreparably harmed by the disclosure of certain information, but does not bar Johnson or Coalition For Life volunteers from the premises. [Like...the information that Planned Parenthood pushes abortions because they make $$$ from them?]

This is why 40 Days for Life is so awesome. And why Planned Barrenhood is so despicable.

They claim they want abortion to be rare, but it's so profitable that they don't really mean it. According to their website, 1st trimester abortion costs $350-900.

HT to the Creative Minority Report for the great news.


shoesonwrong said...

Planned Parenthood has a "suggested donation" of 350 to 900 dollars per first trimester abortion. Their website suggests it is a "fee" as do brochures handed out, but when it comes time to pay, they tell the woman what the "suggested donation" is. Patrons are allowed to give however much they want, including nothing at all. I know because I've volunteered with Planned Parenthood, and the vast majority of women pay little to nothing, which is why PP relies so heavily on outsider donations and sparse government funding.

You're free to your opinion that abortion is murder, but at least get your financial story straight. Abortion is not a money making business, especially for PP, who caters mostly to poorer women. There may be private doctors who perform the surgery for higher amounts of money (especially when they can bill insurance), but even then, it doesn't cost any more than other surgical procedures that are less invasive, take less time, and are less socially charged.

The only thing legalizing abortions has done is made the procedure safer for women and given us a way to track the number of abortions yearly. When abortion is illegal, it doesn't stop happening -- all (non-solid, non-verifiable) evidence suggests that nearly as many abortions take place even when it's illegal. Only then it's back alley hacks with coat hangers or new age quacks with toxic herbs getting the cash in their hot little hands. And it IS a known fact people pay MORE for goods and services that are illegal. (Drugs, prostitution, and alcohol during prohibition all spring to mind.)

Abortion, especially for Planned Parenthood, is not a money making business.

The Contempative Catholic said...

So, some women don't pay for their abortions. Ok. The fact still remains that there are probably many who do cough up the $350-900 fee. But I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the claim by a former executive director that Planned Parenthood pushes abortion.

1. Planned Parenthood in their 2007-2008 annual report stated that they received $349.6 million from the government - or roughly 1/3 of their funding. That's hardly "sparse government funding."

2. Abortion is murder. It's not an opinion. It's an objective medical fact. I invite you to visit Check out the images of aborted children and learn how they were killed.

3. Legalizing abortion has led to an increase in abortion. That's both common sense and statistically accurate.

We'll be praying that you follow in Abby Johnson's footsteps. ;-) God bless you.